Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life Lost

10.10.09 is a day which i can never forget so easily.. Not just because of the team outing but because two friends who had been with me since birth (even before birth) lost their lives..
The two coconut trees who had been with us for more than 30 years were cut down for the simple reason that there was a risk of coconut falling on people walking on the road..
The trees were so tall and wonderful, standing in front of our house.. They were so tall that they could reach upto the third floor of any building..
They were a trademark of our home because of their gigantic height.. I could still recollect the day when i went to Lord Ganesha temple at Dheevanur with my mom to offer the first coconut..
They were my companions when i was alone at home..When there was a powercut, i would rush to the terrace with a mat and a pillow to ly down and enjoy cool breeze and the trees dancing in the wind.. Those moments would never come back again:(
Everytime when there was a storm, i would find the trees bravely fighting against the strong winds.. sometimes it would appear like trees dancing for the music of wind.. they served us with lots and lots of coconuts for our family, neighbours, relatives and friends..
The pain of their loss cannot be expressed in words. . I had a silent prayer for some miracle to happen and stop them from being cut.. But It never happened..
Now, I dont have the courage to look above.. I cannot imagine an empty space left by the trees. the space can never be filled in our home and in my heart.
They were not just trees but a member of our home.. Missing them a lot.. :'(

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