Sunday, October 11, 2009

Same pinch day:)

It was time for lunch at office, i left my desk to have lunch with my friends.. I was wearing a white salwar that day. To my suprise i found 2 of my friends (remi, soppu) wearing the same color (white and white).. We shared same pinches and proceeded to 1st floor cafetaria for lunch. Though we couldn't avoid our gang being noticed for white and white people, the day was great:)

A similar same pinch moment, happened to occur again..
I was on a mild orange salwar that day..
My best friend at office happened to wear the same color t-shirt.. I never expected that, and it was a great suprise for me as we had never shared same pinch for a same colored costume:)

There is some happiness that arises when we find our friends wearing the same color dress like ours:)


  1. Very true !
    Once, one of my colleague & i were both wearing white. I didn't discussed. But the next day, we were both black. When i mentioned her, a smile & happiness did arise!

  2. :)yes....... suprises are very sweet:)
